API Documentation

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AsComponent API

NoFlo - Flow-Based Programming for JavaScript
(c) 2018 Flowhub UG
NoFlo may be freely distributed under the MIT license
/* eslint-disable
import * as getParams from 'get-function-params';
import { Component } from './Component';

 * @typedef FuncParam
 * @property {string} param
 * @property {any} [default]
 * @typedef {Object} PortOptions - Options for configuring all types of ports
 * @property {string} [description='']
 * @property {string} [datatype='all']
 * @property {string} [schema=null]
 * @property {string} [type=null]
 * @property {boolean} [required=false]
 * @property {boolean} [scoped=true]
 * @property {any} [default]

asComponent generator API

asComponent is a helper for turning JavaScript functions into NoFlo components.

Each call to this function returns a component instance where the input parameters of the given function are converted into NoFlo inports, and there are out and error ports for the results of the function execution.

Variants supported:

  • Regular synchronous functions: return value gets sent to out. Thrown errors get sent to error
  • Functions returning a Promise: resolved promises get sent to out, rejected promises to error
  • Functions taking a Node.js style asynchronous callback: err argument to callback gets sent to error, result gets sent to out

Usage example:

exports.getComponent = function () {
  return noflo.asComponent(Math.random, {
    description: 'Generate a random number',

Wrapping built-in functions

Built-in JavaScript functions don’t make their arguments introspectable. Because of this, these cannot be directly converted to components. You’ll have to provide a wrapper JavaScript function to make the arguments appear as ports.


exports.getComponent = function () {
  return noflo.asComponent(function (selector) {
    return document.querySelector(selector);
  }, {
    description: 'Return an element matching the CSS selector',
    icon: 'html5',

Default values

Function arguments with a default value are supported in ES6 environments. The default arguments are visible via the component’s port interface.

However, ES5 transpilation doesn’t work with default values. In these cases the port with a default won’t be visible. It is recommended to use default values only with components that don’t need to run in legacy browsers.

 * @param {Function} func
 * @param {Object} options
 * @returns {Component}
export function asComponent(func, options) {
  let hasCallback = false;
  /** @type {Array<FuncParam>} */
  const params = getParams(func).filter((p) => {
    if (p.param !== 'callback') { return true; }
    hasCallback = true;
    return false;

  const c = new Component(options);
  params.forEach((p) => {
    /** @type {PortOptions} */
    const portOptions = { required: true };
    if (typeof p.default !== 'undefined') {
      portOptions.default = p.default;
      portOptions.required = false;
    c.inPorts.add(p.param, portOptions);
    c.forwardBrackets[p.param] = ['out', 'error'];
  if (!params.length) {
      { datatype: 'bang' });

  c.process((input, output) => {
    let values;
    if (params.length) {
      for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i += 1) {
        const p = params[i];
        if (!input.hasData(p.param)) { return; }
      values = params.map((p) => input.getData(p.param));
    } else {
      if (!input.hasData('in')) { return; }
      values = [];

    if (hasCallback) {

Handle Node.js style async functions

       * @param {Error|null} err
       * @param {any} [res]
      const cb = (err, res) => {
        if (err) {

    const res = func(...values);
    if (res && (typeof res === 'object') && (typeof res.then === 'function')) {

Result is a Promise, resolve and handle

      const resPromise = /** @type {Promise<any>} */ (res);
        (val) => output.sendDone(val),
        (err) => output.done(err),
  return c;

This page contains documentation generated automatically from NoFlo's AsComponent.js file.