ComponentLoader API
NoFlo - Flow-Based Programming for JavaScript
(c) 2013-2017 Flowhub UG
(c) 2013 Henri Bergius, Nemein
NoFlo may be freely distributed under the MIT license
/* eslint-disable
import { Graph } from 'fbp-graph';
import * as registerLoader from './loader/register';
import { deprecated, makeAsync } from './Platform';
* @callback ComponentFactory
* @param {import("fbp-graph/lib/Types").GraphNodeMetadata} [metadata]
* @returns {import("./Component").Component}
* @typedef {Object} ModuleComponent
* @property {ComponentFactory} getComponent
eslint-disable-next-line max-len
/** @typedef {string | ModuleComponent | ComponentFactory | import("fbp-graph").Graph } ComponentDefinition */
/** @typedef {string | ModuleComponent | ComponentFactory } ComponentDefinitionWithoutGraph */
* @typedef {Object<string, ComponentDefinition>} ComponentList
* @typedef {Object} ComponentSources
* @property {string} name
* @property {string} library
* @property {string} code
* @property {string} language
* @property {string} [tests]
* @typedef ComponentLoaderOptions
* @property {boolean} [cache]
* @property {boolean} [discover]
* @property {boolean} [recursive]
* @property {string[]} [runtimes]
* @property {string} [manifest]
The NoFlo Component Loader
The Component Loader is responsible for discovering components available in the running system, as well as for instantiating them.
Internally the loader uses a registered, platform-specific
loader. NoFlo ships with a loader for Node.js that discovers
components from the current project’s components/
folders, as well as those folders of any installed
NPM dependencies. For browsers and embedded devices it is
possible to generate a statically configured component
loader using the noflo-component-loader webpack plugin.
export class ComponentLoader {
* @param {string} baseDir
* @param {ComponentLoaderOptions} [options]
constructor(baseDir, options = {}) {
this.baseDir = baseDir;
this.options = options;
/** @type {ComponentList|null} */
this.components = null;
/** @type {Object<string, string>} */
this.libraryIcons = {};
/** @type {Object<string, Object>} */
this.sourcesForComponents = {};
/** @type {Object<string, string>} */
this.specsForComponents = {};
/** @type {Promise<ComponentList> | null}; */
this.processing = null;
this.ready = false;
Get the library prefix for a given module name. This
is mostly used for generating valid names for namespaced
NPM modules, as well as for convenience renaming all
prefixed modules with just their base name.
* @param {string} name
* @returns {string}
getModulePrefix(name) {
if (!name) { return ''; }
let res = name;
if (res === 'noflo') { return ''; }
if (res[0] === '@') { res = res.replace(/@[a-z-]+\//, ''); }
return res.replace(/^noflo-/, '');
Get the list of all available components
* @param {any} [callback] - Legacy callback
* @returning {Promise<ComponentList>} Promise resolving to list of loaded components
listComponents(callback) {
let promise;
if (this.processing) {
promise = this.processing;
} else if (this.ready && this.components) {
promise = Promise.resolve(this.components);
} else {
this.components = {};
this.ready = false;
this.processing = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
makeAsync(() => {
registerLoader.register(this, (err) => {
if (err) {
We keep the failed promise here in this.processing
this.ready = true;
this.processing = null;
promise = this.processing;
if (callback) {
deprecated('Providing a callback to ComponentLoader.listComponents is deprecated, use Promises');
promise.then((components) => {
callback(null, components);
}, callback);
return promise;
Load an instance of a specific component. If the registered component is a JSON or FBP graph, it will be loaded as an instance of the NoFlo subgraph component.
* @param {string} name - Component name
* @param {import("fbp-graph/lib/Types").GraphNodeMetadata} meta - Node metadata
* @param {any} [cb] - Legacy callback
* @returns {Promise<import("./Component").Component>}
load(name, meta, cb) {
let metadata = meta;
let callback = cb;
if (typeof meta === 'function') {
callback = meta;
metadata = cb;
if (!this.ready) {
return this.listComponents()
.then(() => this.load(name, meta, cb));
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!this.components) {
reject(new Error(`Component ${name} not available with base ${this.baseDir}`));
let component = this.components[name];
if (!component) {
Try an alias
const keys = Object.keys(this.components);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i += 1) {
const componentName = keys[i];
if (componentName.split('/')[1] === name) {
component = this.components[componentName];
if (!component) {
Failure to load
reject(new Error(`Component ${name} not available with base ${this.baseDir}`));
.then((component) => {
if (this.isGraph(component)) {
return this.loadGraph(name, component, metadata);
return this.createComponent(name, component, metadata)
.then((instance) => {
if (!instance) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(`Component ${name} could not be loaded.`));
const inst = instance;
if (name === 'Graph') {
inst.baseDir = this.baseDir;
if (typeof name === 'string') {
inst.componentName = name;
if (inst.isLegacy()) {
deprecated(`Component ${name} uses legacy NoFlo APIs. Please port to Process API`);
this.setIcon(name, inst);
return inst;
if (callback) {
deprecated('Providing a callback to ComponentLoader.load is deprecated, use Promises');
promise.then((instance) => {
callback(null, instance);
}, callback);
return promise;
Creates an instance of a component.
* @protected
* @param {string} name
* @param {ComponentDefinitionWithoutGraph} component
* @param {import("fbp-graph/lib/Types").GraphNodeMetadata} metadata
* @returns {Promise<import("./Component").Component>}
createComponent(name, component, metadata) {
const implementation = component;
if (!implementation) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(`Component ${name} not available`));
If a string was specified, attempt to require
if (typeof implementation === 'string') {
if (typeof registerLoader.dynamicLoad === 'function') {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
registerLoader.dynamicLoad(name, implementation, metadata, (err, instance) => {
if (err) {
return Promise.reject(Error(`Dynamic loading of ${implementation} for component ${name} not available on this platform.`));
Attempt to create the component instance using the getComponent
let instance;
const impl = /** @type ModuleComponent */ (implementation);
if (typeof impl.getComponent === 'function') {
try {
instance = impl.getComponent(metadata);
} catch (error) {
return Promise.reject(error);
Attempt to create a component using a factory function.
} else if (typeof implementation === 'function') {
try {
instance = implementation(metadata);
} catch (error) {
return Promise.reject(error);
} else {
return Promise.reject(new Error(`Invalid type ${typeof (implementation)} for component ${name}.`));
return Promise.resolve(instance);
Check if a given filesystem path is actually a graph
* @param {import("fbp-graph").Graph|object|string} cPath
* @returns {boolean}
isGraph(cPath) {
Live graph instance
if ((typeof cPath === 'object')
&& (cPath instanceof Graph
|| (Array.isArray(cPath.nodes)
&& Array.isArray(cPath.edges)
&& Array.isArray(cPath.initializers)))) {
return true;
Graph JSON definition
if ((typeof cPath === 'object') && cPath.processes && cPath.connections) { return true; }
if (typeof cPath !== 'string') { return false; }
Graph file path
return (cPath.indexOf('.fbp') !== -1) || (cPath.indexOf('.json') !== -1);
Load a graph as a NoFlo subgraph component instance
* @protected
* @param {string} name
* @param {import("fbp-graph").Graph} component
* @param {import("fbp-graph/lib/Types").GraphNodeMetadata} metadata
* @returns {Promise<import("../components/Graph").Graph>}
loadGraph(name, component, metadata) {
const graphComponent = /** @type {ModuleComponent} */ (this.components.Graph);
return this.createComponent(name, graphComponent, metadata)
.then((graph) => {
const g = /** @type {import("../components/Graph").Graph} */ (graph);
g.loader = this;
g.baseDir = this.baseDir;
this.setIcon(name, g);
return g.setGraph(component)
.then(() => g);
Set icon for the component instance. If the instance has an icon set, then this is a no-op. Otherwise we determine an icon based on the module it is coming from, or use a fallback icon separately for subgraphs and elementary components.
* @param {string} name - Icon to set
* @param {import("./Component").Component} instance
setIcon(name, instance) {
See if component has an icon
if (!instance.getIcon || instance.getIcon()) { return; }
See if library has an icon
const [library, componentName] = name.split('/');
if (componentName && this.getLibraryIcon(library)) {
See if instance is a subgraph
if (instance.isSubgraph()) {
* @param {string} prefix
* @returns {string|null}
getLibraryIcon(prefix) {
if (this.libraryIcons[prefix]) {
return this.libraryIcons[prefix];
return null;
* @param {string} prefix
* @param {string} icon
setLibraryIcon(prefix, icon) {
this.libraryIcons[prefix] = icon;
* @param {string} packageId
* @param {string} name
* @returns {string}
normalizeName(packageId, name) {
const prefix = this.getModulePrefix(packageId);
let fullName = `${prefix}/${name}`;
if (!packageId) { fullName = name; }
return fullName;
* @callback ErrorableCallback
* @param {Error|null} error
* @returns {void}
Registering components at runtime
In addition to components discovered by the loader, it is possible to register components at runtime.
With the registerComponent
method you can register
a NoFlo Component constructor or factory method
as a component available for loading.
* @param {string} packageId
* @param {string} name
* @param {ComponentDefinition} cPath
* @param {ErrorableCallback} [callback]
registerComponent(packageId, name, cPath, callback) {
const fullName = this.normalizeName(packageId, name);
this.components[fullName] = cPath;
if (callback) {
With the registerGraph
method you can register new
graphs as loadable components.
* @param {string} packageId
* @param {string} name
* @param {import("fbp-graph").Graph} gPath
* @param {ErrorableCallback} [callback]
registerGraph(packageId, name, gPath, callback) {
this.registerComponent(packageId, name, gPath, callback);
With registerLoader
you can register custom component
loaders. They will be called immediately and can register
any components or graphs they wish.
* @callback CustomLoader
* @param {ComponentLoader} loader
* @param {ErrorableCallback} callback
* @returns {void}
* @param {CustomLoader} loader
* @param {ErrorableCallback} callback
registerLoader(loader, callback) {
loader(this, callback);
With setSource
you can register a component by providing
a source code string. Supported languages and techniques
depend on the runtime environment, for example CoffeeScript
components can only be registered via setSource
the environment has a CoffeeScript compiler loaded.
* @param {string} packageId
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} source
* @param {string} language
* @param {ErrorableCallback} [callback]
* @returns {Promise<void>}
setSource(packageId, name, source, language, callback) {
if (!this.ready) {
return this.listComponents()
.then(() => this.setSource(packageId, name, source, language, callback));
let promise;
if (!registerLoader.setSource) {
promise = Promise.reject(new Error('setSource not allowed'));
} else {
promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
registerLoader.setSource(this, packageId, name, source, language, (err) => {
if (err) {
if (callback) {
deprecated('Providing a callback to ComponentLoader.setSource is deprecated, use Promises');
promise.then(() => {
}, callback);
return promise;
allows fetching the source code of a registered
component as a string.
* @callback SourceCallback
* @param {Error|null} error
* @param {ComponentSources} [source]
* @param {string} name
* @param {SourceCallback} [callback]
* @returns {Promise<ComponentSources>}
getSource(name, callback) {
if (!this.ready) {
return this.listComponents()
.then(() => this.getSource(name, callback));
let promise;
if (!registerLoader.getSource) {
promise = Promise.reject(new Error('getSource not allowed'));
} else {
promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
registerLoader.getSource(this, name, (err, source) => {
if (err) {
if (callback) {
deprecated('Providing a callback to ComponentLoader.getSource is deprecated, use Promises');
promise.then((source) => {
callback(null, source);
}, callback);
return promise;
gets a list of component programming languages supported by the setSource
method on this runtime instance.
getLanguages() {
if (!registerLoader.getLanguages) {
This component loader doesn’t support the method, default to normal JS
return ['javascript', 'es2015'];
return registerLoader.getLanguages();
clear() {
this.components = null;
this.sourcesForComponents = {};
this.specsForComponents = {};
this.ready = false;
this.processing = null;
This page contains documentation generated automatically from NoFlo's ComponentLoader.js file.