API Documentation

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OutPort API

NoFlo - Flow-Based Programming for JavaScript
(c) 2014-2017 Flowhub UG
NoFlo may be freely distributed under the MIT license
import BasePort from './BasePort';
import IP from './IP';

NoFlo outport

Outport Port (outport) implementation for NoFlo components. These ports are the way a component sends Information Packets.

 * @typedef OutPortOptions
 * @property {boolean} [caching]
 * @typedef {import("./BasePort").BaseOptions & OutPortOptions} PortOptions

export default class OutPort extends BasePort {
   * @param {PortOptions} options - Options for the outport
  constructor(options = {}) {
    const opts = options;
    if (opts.scoped == null) { opts.scoped = true; }
    if (typeof opts.caching !== 'boolean') {
      opts.caching = false;
    this.cache = {};

  attach(socket, index = null) {
    super.attach(socket, index);
    if (this.isCaching() && (this.cache[index] != null)) {
      this.send(this.cache[index], index);

  connect(index = null) {
    const sockets = this.getSockets(index);
    sockets.forEach((socket) => {
      if (!socket) { return; }

  beginGroup(group, index = null) {
    const sockets = this.getSockets(index);
    sockets.forEach((socket) => {
      if (!socket) { return; }

  send(data, index = null) {
    const sockets = this.getSockets(index);
    if (this.isCaching() && (data !== this.cache[index])) {
      this.cache[index] = data;
    sockets.forEach((socket) => {
      if (!socket) { return; }

  endGroup(index = null) {
    const sockets = this.getSockets(index);
    sockets.forEach((socket) => {
      if (!socket) { return; }

  disconnect(index = null) {
    const sockets = this.getSockets(index);
    sockets.forEach((socket) => {
      if (!socket) { return; }

  sendIP(type, data, options, index, autoConnect = true) {
    let ip;
    let idx = index;
    if (IP.isIP(type)) {
      ip = type;
      idx = ip.index;
    } else {
      ip = new IP(type, data, options);
    const sockets = this.getSockets(idx);

    if (ip.datatype === 'all') {

Stamp non-specific IP objects with port datatype

      ip.datatype = this.getDataType();
    if (this.getSchema() && !ip.schema) {

Stamp non-specific IP objects with port schema

      ip.schema = this.getSchema();

    const cachedData = this.cache[idx] != null ? this.cache[idx].data : undefined;
    if (this.isCaching() && data !== cachedData) {
      this.cache[idx] = ip;
    let pristine = true;
    sockets.forEach((socket) => {
      if (!socket) { return; }
      if (pristine) {
        socket.post(ip, autoConnect);
        pristine = false;
      } else {
        if (ip.clonable) { ip = ip.clone(); }
        socket.post(ip, autoConnect);
    return this;

  openBracket(data = null, options = {}, index = null) {
    return this.sendIP('openBracket', data, options, index);

  data(data, options = {}, index = null) {
    return this.sendIP('data', data, options, index);

  closeBracket(data = null, options = {}, index = null) {
    return this.sendIP('closeBracket', data, options, index);

  checkRequired(sockets) {
    if ((sockets.length === 0) && this.isRequired()) {
      throw new Error(`${this.getId()}: No connections available`);

  getSockets(index) {

Addressable sockets affect only one connection at time

    if (this.isAddressable()) {
      if (index === null) { throw new Error(`${this.getId()} Socket ID required`); }
      if (!this.sockets[index]) { return []; }
      return [this.sockets[index]];

Regular sockets affect all outbound connections

    return this.sockets;

  isCaching() {
    if (this.options.caching) {
      return true;
    return false;

This page contains documentation generated automatically from NoFlo's OutPort.js file.