Ports API
/* eslint-disable max-classes-per-file */
NoFlo - Flow-Based Programming for JavaScript
(c) 2014-2017 Flowhub UG
NoFlo may be freely distributed under the MIT license
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import InPort from './InPort';
import OutPort from './OutPort';
* @typedef {import("./BasePort").BaseOptions} PortOptions
NoFlo ports collections
Ports collection classes for NoFlo components. These are used to hold a set of input or output ports of a component.
class Ports extends EventEmitter {
* @param {Object<string, import("./BasePort").default|PortOptions>} ports
* @param {typeof import("./BasePort").default} model
constructor(ports, model) {
this.model = model;
/** @type {Object<string, import("./BasePort").default>} */
this.ports = {};
if (!ports) { return; }
Object.keys(ports).forEach((name) => {
const options = ports[name];
this.add(name, options);
* @param {string} name
* @param {Object|import("./BasePort").default|PortOptions} [options]
add(name, options = {}) {
if ((name === 'add') || (name === 'remove')) {
throw new Error('Add and remove are restricted port names');
/* eslint-disable no-useless-escape */
if (!name.match(/^[a-z0-9_\.\/]+$/)) {
throw new Error(`Port names can only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters and underscores. '${name}' not allowed`);
Remove previous implementation
if (this.ports[name]) { this.remove(name); }
const maybePort = /** @type {import("./BasePort").default} */ (options);
if ((typeof maybePort === 'object') && maybePort.canAttach) {
this.ports[name] = maybePort;
} else {
const Model = this.model;
this.ports[name] = new Model(options);
this[name] = this.ports[name];
this.emit('add', name);
return this; // chainable
* @param {string} name
remove(name) {
if (!this.ports[name]) { throw new Error(`Port ${name} not defined`); }
delete this.ports[name];
delete this[name];
this.emit('remove', name);
return this; // chainable
* @typedef {{ [key: string]: InPort|import("./InPort").PortOptions }} InPortsOptions
export class InPorts extends Ports {
* @param {InPortsOptions} [ports]
constructor(ports = {}) {
super(ports, InPort);
* @typedef {{ [key: string]: OutPort|import("./OutPort").PortOptions }} OutPortsOptions
export class OutPorts extends Ports {
* @param {OutPortsOptions} [ports]
constructor(ports = {}) {
super(ports, OutPort);
connect(name, socketId) {
const port = /** @type {OutPort} */ (this.ports[name]);
if (!port) { throw new Error(`Port ${name} not available`); }
beginGroup(name, group, socketId) {
const port = /** @type {OutPort} */ (this.ports[name]);
if (!port) { throw new Error(`Port ${name} not available`); }
port.beginGroup(group, socketId);
send(name, data, socketId) {
const port = /** @type {OutPort} */ (this.ports[name]);
if (!port) { throw new Error(`Port ${name} not available`); }
port.send(data, socketId);
endGroup(name, socketId) {
const port = /** @type {OutPort} */ (this.ports[name]);
if (!port) { throw new Error(`Port ${name} not available`); }
disconnect(name, socketId) {
const port = /** @type {OutPort} */ (this.ports[name]);
if (!port) { throw new Error(`Port ${name} not available`); }
Port name normalization:
returns object containing keys name and index for ports names in
format portname
or portname[index]
* @param {string} name
* @returns {{ name: string, index?: string }}
export function normalizePortName(name) {
const port = { name };
Regular port
if (name.indexOf('[') === -1) { return port; }
Addressable port with index
const matched = name.match(/(.*)\[([0-9]+)\]/);
if (!matched || matched.length < 3) {
return port;
return {
name: matched[1],
index: matched[2],
This page contains documentation generated automatically from NoFlo's Ports.js file.