API Documentation

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ProcessInput API

NoFlo - Flow-Based Programming for JavaScript
(c) 2013-2020 Flowhub UG
(c) 2011-2012 Henri Bergius, Nemein
NoFlo may be freely distributed under the MIT license
/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
import debug from 'debug';
import IP from './IP'; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars

const debugComponent = debug('noflo:component');

export default class ProcessInput {
   * @param {import("./Ports").InPorts} ports - Component inports
   * @param {import("./ProcessContext").default} context - Processing context
  constructor(ports, context) {
    this.ports = ports;
    this.context = context;
    this.nodeInstance = this.context.nodeInstance;
    this.ip = this.context.ip;
    this.port = this.context.port;
    this.result = this.context.result;
    this.scope = this.context.scope;

When preconditions are met, set component state to activated

  activate() {
    if (this.context.activated) { return; }
    if (this.nodeInstance.isOrdered()) {

We’re handling packets in order. Set the result as non-resolved so that it can be send when the order comes up

      this.result.__resolved = false;
    if (this.port.isAddressable()) {
      debugComponent(`${this.nodeInstance.nodeId} packet on '${this.port.name}[${this.ip.index}]' caused activation ${this.nodeInstance.load}: ${this.ip.type}`);
    } else {
      debugComponent(`${this.nodeInstance.nodeId} packet on '${this.port.name}' caused activation ${this.nodeInstance.load}: ${this.ip.type}`);

Connection listing

This allows components to check which input ports are attached. This is useful mainly for addressable ports

   * @param {...string} params - Port names to check for attachment
   * @returns {Array<number> | Array<Array<number>>}
  attached(...params) {
    let args = params;
    if (!args.length) { args = ['in']; }
    /** @type {Array<Array<number>>} */
    const res = [];
    args.forEach((port) => {
      if (!this.ports.ports[port]) {
        throw new Error(`Node ${this.nodeInstance.nodeId} has no port '${port}'`);
    if (args.length === 1) {
      return res[0];
    return res;

Input preconditions

When the processing function is called, it can check if input buffers contain the packets needed for the process to fire. This precondition handling is done via the has and hasStream methods.

Returns true if a port (or ports joined by logical AND) has a new IP Passing a validation callback as a last argument allows more selective checking of packets.

   * @callback HasValidationCallback
   * @param {IP} ip
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @typedef {string|Array<string|number>} GetArgument
   * @typedef {GetArgument|HasValidationCallback} HasArgument
   * @param {...HasArgument} params
  has(...params) {
    let validate;
    let args = params.filter((p) => typeof p !== 'function');
    if (!args.length) {
      args = ['in'];
    if (typeof params[params.length - 1] === 'function') {
      validate = params[params.length - 1];
    } else {
      validate = () => true;
    for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i += 1) {
      const port = args[i];
      if (Array.isArray(port)) {
        const portImpl = /** @type {import("./InPort").default} */ (this.ports.ports[port[0]]);
        if (!portImpl) {
          throw new Error(`Node ${this.nodeInstance.nodeId} has no port '${port[0]}'`);
        if (!portImpl.isAddressable()) {
          throw new Error(`Non-addressable ports, access must be with string ${port[0]}`);
        if (!portImpl.has(this.scope, port[1], validate)) { return false; }
      } else if (typeof port === 'string') {
        const portImpl = /** @type {import("./InPort").default} */ (this.ports.ports[port]);
        if (!portImpl) {
          throw new Error(`Node ${this.nodeInstance.nodeId} has no port '${port}'`);
        if (portImpl.isAddressable()) {
          throw new Error(`For addressable ports, access must be with array [${port}, idx]`);
        if (!portImpl.has(this.scope, validate)) { return false; }
      } else {
        throw new Error(`Unknown port type ${typeof port}`);
    return true;

Returns true if the ports contain data packets

   * @param {...string} params - Port names to check for data packets
   * @returns {boolean}
  hasData(...params) {
    let args = params;
    if (!args.length) { args = ['in']; }
    const hasArgs = [
       * @param {import("./IP").default} ip
      (ip) => ip.type === 'data',
    return this.has(...hasArgs);

Returns true if a port has a complete stream in its input buffer.

   * @param {...HasArgument} params - Port names to check for streams
   * @returns {boolean}
  hasStream(...params) {
    let args = params;
    /** @type {Function} */
    let validateStream;
    if (!args.length) { args = ['in']; }

    if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function') {
      validateStream = /** @type {Function} */ (args.pop());
    } else {
      validateStream = () => true;

    for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i += 1) {
      const port = args[i];
      /** @type Array<string> */
      const portBrackets = [];
      let hasData = false;
      /** @type {HasValidationCallback} */
      const validate = (ip) => {
        if (ip.type === 'openBracket') {
          return false;
        if (ip.type === 'data') {

Run the stream validation callback

          hasData = validateStream(ip, portBrackets);

Data IP on its own is a valid stream

          if (!portBrackets.length) { return hasData; }

Otherwise we need to check for complete stream

          return false;
        if (ip.type === 'closeBracket') {
          if (portBrackets.length) { return false; }
          if (!hasData) { return false; }
          return true;
        return false;
      if (!this.has(port, validate)) { return false; }
    return true;

Input processing

Once preconditions have been met, the processing function can read from the input buffers. Reading packets sets the component as “activated”.

Fetches IP object(s) for port(s)

   * @param {...GetArgument} params
   * @returns {void|IP|Array<IP|void>}
  get(...params) {
    let args = params;
    if (!args.length) { args = ['in']; }
    /** @type {Array<IP|void>} */
    const res = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i += 1) {
      const port = args[i];
      let idx;
      let ip;
      let portname;
      if (Array.isArray(port)) {
        [portname, idx] = Array.from(port);
        if (!this.ports.ports[portname].isAddressable()) {
          throw new Error('Non-addressable ports, access must be with string portname');
      } else {
        portname = port;
        if (this.ports.ports[portname].isAddressable()) {
          throw new Error('For addressable ports, access must be with array [portname, idx]');
      const name = /** @type {string} */ (portname);
      const idxName = /** @type {number} */ (idx);
      if (this.nodeInstance.isForwardingInport(name)) {
        ip = this.__getForForwarding(name, idxName);
      } else {
        const portImpl = /** @type {import("./InPort").default} */ (this.ports.ports[name]);
        ip = portImpl.get(this.scope, idx);

    if (args.length === 1) {
      return res[0];
    return res;

   * @private
   * @param {string} port
   * @param {number} [idx]
   * @returns {IP|void}
  __getForForwarding(port, idx) {
    const prefix = [];
    let dataIp;

Read IPs until we hit data

    let ok = true;
    while (ok) {

Read next packet

      const portImpl = /** @type {import("./InPort").default} */ (this.ports.ports[port]);
      const ip = portImpl.get(this.scope, idx);

Stop at the end of the buffer

      if (!ip) { break; }
      if (ip.type === 'data') {

Hit the data IP, stop here

        dataIp = ip;
        ok = false;

Keep track of bracket closings and openings before


Forwarding brackets that came before data packet need to manipulate context and be added to result so they can be forwarded correctly to ports that need them

    for (let i = 0; i < prefix.length; i += 1) {
      const ip = prefix[i];
      if (ip.type === 'closeBracket') {

Bracket closings before data should remove bracket context

        if (!this.result.__bracketClosingBefore) { this.result.__bracketClosingBefore = []; }
        const context = this.nodeInstance.getBracketContext('in', port, this.scope, idx).pop();
        context.closeIp = ip;
      } else if (ip.type === 'openBracket') {

Bracket openings need to go to bracket context

        this.nodeInstance.getBracketContext('in', port, this.scope, idx).push({
          ports: [],
          source: port,

Add current bracket context to the result so that when we send to ports we can also add the surrounding brackets

    if (!this.result.__bracketContext) { this.result.__bracketContext = {}; }
    this.result.__bracketContext[port] = this.nodeInstance.getBracketContext('in', port, this.scope, idx).slice(0);

Bracket closings that were in buffer after the data packet need to be added to result for done() to read them from

    return dataIp;

Fetches data property of IP object(s) for given port(s)

   * @param {...GetArgument} params
   * @returns {any|Array<any>}
  getData(...params) {
    let args = params;
    if (!args.length) { args = ['in']; }

    /** @type {Array<any>} */
    const datas = [];
    args.forEach((port) => {
      let packet = /** @type {IP} */ (this.get(port));
      if (packet == null) {

we add the null packet to the array so when getting multiple ports, if one is null we still return it so the indexes are correct.


      while (packet.type !== 'data') {
        packet = /** @type {IP} */ (this.get(port));
        if (!packet) { break; }


    if (args.length === 1) { return datas.pop(); }
    return datas;

Fetches a complete data stream from the buffer.

   * @param {...GetArgument} params
   * @returns {void|Array<IP>|Array<void|Array<IP>>}
  getStream(...params) {
    let args = params;
    if (!args.length) { args = ['in']; }
    /** @type {Array<Array<IP>|void>} */
    const datas = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i += 1) {
      const port = args[i];
      const portBrackets = [];
      /** @type {Array<IP>} */
      let portPackets = [];
      let hasData = false;
      let ip = /** @type {IP} */ (this.get(port));
      if (!ip) {
      while (ip) {
        if (ip.type === 'openBracket') {
          if (!portBrackets.length) {

First openBracket in stream, drop previous

            portPackets = [];
            hasData = false;
        if (ip.type === 'data') {
          hasData = true;

Unbracketed data packet is a valid stream

          if (!portBrackets.length) { break; }
        if (ip.type === 'closeBracket') {
          if (hasData && !portBrackets.length) {

Last close bracket finishes stream if there was data inside

        ip = /** @type {IP} */ (this.get(port));

    if (args.length === 1) {
      return datas[0];
    return datas;

This page contains documentation generated automatically from NoFlo's ProcessInput.js file.