ProcessOutput API
NoFlo - Flow-Based Programming for JavaScript
(c) 2013-2020 Flowhub UG
(c) 2011-2012 Henri Bergius, Nemein
NoFlo may be freely distributed under the MIT license
/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */
import debug from 'debug';
import IP from './IP';
const debugComponent = debug('noflo:component');
Checks if a value is an Error
* @param {any} err
* @returns {boolean}
function isError(err) {
return err instanceof Error
|| (Array.isArray(err) && (err.length > 0) && err[0] instanceof Error);
export default class ProcessOutput {
* @param {import("./Ports").OutPorts} ports - Component outports
* @param {import("./ProcessContext").default} context - Processing context
constructor(ports, context) {
this.ports = ports;
this.context = context;
this.nodeInstance = this.context.nodeInstance;
this.ip = this.context.ip;
this.result = this.context.result;
this.scope = this.context.scope;
Sends an error object
* @param {Error|Error[]} err
* @returns {void}
error(err) {
const errs = Array.isArray(err) ? err : [err];
if (this.ports.ports.error
&& (this.ports.ports.error.isAttached() || !this.ports.ports.error.isRequired())) {
if (errs.length > 1) { this.sendIP('error', new IP('openBracket')); }
errs.forEach((e) => { this.sendIP('error', e); });
if (errs.length > 1) { this.sendIP('error', new IP('closeBracket')); }
} else {
errs.forEach((e) => { throw e; });
Sends a single IP object to a port
* @param {string} port - Port to send to
* @param {IP|any} packet - IP or data to send
* @returns {void}
sendIP(port, packet) {
const ip = IP.isIP(packet) ? packet : new IP('data', packet);
if ((this.scope !== null) && (ip.scope === null)) { ip.scope = this.scope; }
if (!this.nodeInstance.outPorts.ports[port]) {
throw new Error(`Node ${this.nodeInstance.nodeId} does not have outport ${port}`);
eslint-disable-next-line max-len
const portImpl = /** @type {import("./OutPort").default} */ (this.nodeInstance.outPorts.ports[port]);
if (portImpl.isAddressable() && (ip.index === null)) {
throw new Error(`Sending packets to addressable port ${this.nodeInstance.nodeId} ${port} requires specifying index`);
if (this.nodeInstance.isOrdered()) {
this.nodeInstance.addToResult(this.result, port, ip);
if (!portImpl.options.scoped) {
ip.scope = null;
Sends packets for each port as a key in the map or sends Error or a list of Errors if passed such
* @param {Error|Array<Error>|Object<string, any>} outputMap
send(outputMap) {
if (isError(outputMap)) {
const errors = /** @type {Error|Array<Error>} */ (outputMap);
/** @type {Array<string>} */
const componentPorts = [];
let mapIsInPorts = false;
Object.keys(this.ports.ports).forEach((port) => {
if ((port !== 'error') && (port !== 'ports') && (port !== '_callbacks')) { componentPorts.push(port); }
if (!mapIsInPorts && (outputMap != null) && (typeof outputMap === 'object') && (Object.keys(outputMap).indexOf(port) !== -1)) {
mapIsInPorts = true;
if ((componentPorts.length === 1) && !mapIsInPorts) {
this.sendIP(componentPorts[0], outputMap);
if ((componentPorts.length > 1) && !mapIsInPorts) {
throw new Error('Port must be specified for sending output');
Object.keys(outputMap).forEach((port) => {
const packet = outputMap[port];
this.sendIP(port, packet);
Sends the argument via send()
and marks activation as done()
* @param {Error|Array<Error>|Object<string, any>} outputMap
sendDone(outputMap) {
Makes a map-style component pass a result value to out
keeping all IP metadata received from in
or modifying it if options
is provided
* @param {any} data
* @param {Object<string, any>} [options]
pass(data, options = {}) {
if (!('out' in this.ports)) {
throw new Error('output.pass() requires port "out" to be present');
const that = this;
Object.keys(options).forEach((key) => {
const val = options[key];
that.ip[key] = val;
}); = data;
this.sendIP('out', this.ip);
Finishes process activation gracefully
* @param {Error|Array<Error>} [error]
done(error) {
this.result.__resolved = true;
if (error) { this.error(error); }
const isLast = () => {
We only care about real output sets with processing data
const resultsOnly = this.nodeInstance.outputQ.filter((q) => {
if (!q.__resolved) { return true; }
if ((Object.keys(q).length === 2) && q.__bracketClosingAfter) {
return false;
return true;
const pos = resultsOnly.indexOf(this.result);
const len = resultsOnly.length;
const {
} = this.nodeInstance;
if (pos === (len - 1)) { return true; }
if ((pos === -1) && (load === (len + 1))) { return true; }
if ((len <= 1) && (load === 1)) { return true; }
return false;
if (this.nodeInstance.isOrdered() && isLast()) {
We’re doing bracket forwarding. See if there are dangling closeBrackets in buffer since we’re the last running process function.
Object.keys( => {
const contexts =[port];
if (!contexts[this.scope]) { return; }
const nodeContext = contexts[this.scope];
if (!nodeContext.length) { return; }
const context = nodeContext[nodeContext.length - 1];
eslint-disable-next-line max-len
const inPorts = /** @type {import("./InPort").default} */ (this.nodeInstance.inPorts.ports[context.source]);
const buf = inPorts.getBuffer(context.ip.scope, context.ip.index);
while (buf.length > 0 && buf[0].type === 'closeBracket') {
const ip = inPorts.get(context.ip.scope, context.ip.index);
const ctx = nodeContext.pop();
ctx.closeIp = ip;
if (!this.result.__bracketClosingAfter) { this.result.__bracketClosingAfter = []; }
debugComponent(`${this.nodeInstance.nodeId} finished processing ${this.nodeInstance.load}`);
This page contains documentation generated automatically from NoFlo's ProcessOutput.js file.