API Documentation

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AsCallback API

NoFlo - Flow-Based Programming for JavaScript
(c) 2017-2018 Flowhub UG
NoFlo may be freely distributed under the MIT license
/* eslint-disable
import { Graph } from 'fbp-graph';
import { ComponentLoader } from './ComponentLoader';
import { Network } from './Network';
import IP from './IP';
import * as internalSocket from './InternalSocket';

asCallback embedding API

asCallback is a helper for embedding NoFlo components or graphs in other JavaScript programs.

By using the noflo.asCallback function, you can turn any NoFlo component or NoFlo Graph instance into a regular, Node.js-style JavaScript function.

Each call to that function starts a new NoFlo network where the given input arguments are sent as IP objects to matching inports. Once the network finishes, the IP objects received from the network will be sent to the callback function.

If there was anything sent to an error outport, this will be provided as the error argument to the callback.

Option normalization

Here we handle the input valus given to the asCallback function. This allows passing things like a pre-initialized NoFlo ComponentLoader, or giving the component loading baseDir context.

 * @typedef {Graph | string} AsCallbackComponent
 * @typedef {Object} AsCallbackOptions
 * @property {string} [name] - Name for the wrapped network
 * @property {ComponentLoader} [loader] - Component loader instance to use, if any
 * @property {string} [baseDir] - Project base directory for component loading
 * @property {Object} [flowtrace] - Flowtrace instance to use for tracing this network run
 * @property {NetworkCallback} [networkCallback] - Access to Network instance
 * @property {boolean} [raw] - Whether the callback should operate on raw noflo.IP objects

 * @param {AsCallbackOptions} options
 * @param {AsCallbackComponent} component
 * @returns {AsCallbackOptions}
function normalizeOptions(options, component) {
  if (!options) { options = {}; }
  if (!options.name && typeof component === 'string') {
    options.name = component;
  if (options.loader) {
    options.baseDir = options.loader.baseDir;
  if (!options.baseDir && process && process.cwd) {
    options.baseDir = process.cwd();
  if (options.baseDir && !options.loader) {
    options.loader = new ComponentLoader(options.baseDir);
  if (!options.raw) {
    options.raw = false;
  return options;

Network preparation

Each invocation of the asCallback-wrapped NoFlo graph creates a new network. This way we can isolate multiple executions of the function in their own contexts.

 * @param {AsCallbackComponent} component
 * @param {AsCallbackOptions} options
 * @returns {Promise<Network>}
function prepareNetwork(component, options) {

If we were given a graph instance, then just create a network

  if (typeof component === 'object') {

This is a graph object

    const network = new Network(component, {
      componentLoader: options.loader,

Wire the network up

    return network.connect();

  if (!options.loader) {
    return Promise.reject(new Error('No component loader provided'));

Start by loading the component

  return options.loader.load(component, {})
    .then((instance) => {

Prepare a graph wrapping the component

      const graph = new Graph(options.name);
      const nodeName = options.name || 'AsCallback';
      graph.addNode(nodeName, component);

Expose ports

      const inPorts = instance.inPorts.ports;
      const outPorts = instance.outPorts.ports;
      Object.keys(inPorts).forEach((port) => {
        graph.addInport(port, nodeName, port);
      Object.keys(outPorts).forEach((port) => {
        graph.addOutport(port, nodeName, port);

Prepare network

      const network = new Network(graph, {
        componentLoader: options.loader,

Wire the network up and start execution

      return network.connect();

Network execution

Once network is ready, we connect to all of its exported in and outports and start the network.

Input data is sent to the inports, and we collect IP packets received on the outports.

Once the network finishes, we send the resulting IP objects to the callback.

 * @param {Network} network
 * @param {any} inputs
 * @returns {Promise<any>}
function runNetwork(network, inputs) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

Prepare inports

    /** @type {Object<string, import("./InternalSocket").InternalSocket>} */
    let inSockets = {};

Subscribe outports

    /** @type {Array<Object<string, IP>>} */
    const received = [];
    const outPorts = Object.keys(network.graph.outports);
    /** @type {Object<string, import("./InternalSocket").InternalSocket>} */
    let outSockets = {};
    outPorts.forEach((outport) => {
      const portDef = network.graph.outports[outport];
      const process = network.getNode(portDef.process);
      if (!process || !process.component) {
      outSockets[outport] = internalSocket.createSocket();
      outSockets[outport].from = {
        port: portDef.port,
      outSockets[outport].on('ip', (ip) => {
        /** @type Object<string, IP> */
        const res = {};
        res[outport] = ip;

Subscribe to process errors

    let onEnd = null;
    let onError = null;
    onError = (err) => {
      network.removeListener('end', onEnd);
    network.once('process-error', onError);

Subscribe network finish

    onEnd = () => {

Clear listeners

      Object.keys(outSockets).forEach((port) => {
        const socket = outSockets[port];
      outSockets = {};
      inSockets = {};
      network.removeListener('process-error', onError);
    network.once('end', onEnd);

Start network

      .then(() => {

Send inputs

        for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i += 1) {
          const inputMap = inputs[i];
          const keys = Object.keys(inputMap);
          for (let j = 0; j < keys.length; j += 1) {
            const port = keys[j];
            const value = inputMap[port];
            if (!inSockets[port]) {
              const portDef = network.graph.inports[port];
              if (!portDef) {
                reject(new Error(`Port ${port} not available in the graph`));
              const process = network.getNode(portDef.process);
              if (!process || !process.component) {
                reject(new Error(`Process ${portDef.process} for port ${port} not available in the graph`));
              inSockets[port] = internalSocket.createSocket();
              inSockets[port].to = {
            try {
              if (IP.isIP(value)) {
              } else {
                inSockets[port].post(new IP('data', value));
            } catch (e) {
              network.removeListener('process-error', onError);
              network.removeListener('end', onEnd);
      }, reject);

function getType(inputs, network) {

Scalar values are always simple inputs

  if (typeof inputs !== 'object' || !inputs) { return 'simple'; }

  if (Array.isArray(inputs)) {
    const maps = inputs.filter((entry) => getType(entry, network) === 'map');

If each member if the array is an input map, this is a sequence

    if (maps.length === inputs.length) { return 'sequence'; }

Otherwise arrays must be simple inputs

    return 'simple';

Empty objects can’t be maps

  const keys = Object.keys(inputs);
  if (!keys.length) { return 'simple'; }
  for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i += 1) {
    const key = keys[i];
    if (!network.graph.inports[key]) { return 'simple'; }
  return 'map';

function prepareInputMap(inputs, inputType, network) {

Sequence we can use as-is

  if (inputType === 'sequence') { return inputs; }

We can turn a map to a sequence by wrapping it in an array

  if (inputType === 'map') { return [inputs]; }

Simple inputs need to be converted to a sequence

  let inPort = Object.keys(network.graph.inports)[0];
  if (!inPort) {
    return {};

If we have a port named “IN”, send to that

  if (network.graph.inports.in) { inPort = 'in'; }
  const map = {};
  map[inPort] = inputs;
  return [map];

function normalizeOutput(values, options) {
  if (options.raw) { return values; }
  const result = [];
  let previous = null;
  let current = result;
  values.forEach((packet) => {
    if (packet.type === 'openBracket') {
      previous = current;
      current = [];
    if (packet.type === 'data') {
    if (packet.type === 'closeBracket') {
      current = previous;
  if (result.length === 1) {
    return result[0];
  return result;

function sendOutputMap(outputs, resultType, options) {

First check if the output sequence contains errors

  const errors = outputs.filter((map) => map.error != null).map((map) => map.error);
  if (errors.length) {
    return Promise.reject(normalizeOutput(errors, options));

  if (resultType === 'sequence') {
    return Promise.resolve(outputs.map((map) => {
      const res = {};
      Object.keys(map).forEach((key) => {
        const val = map[key];
        if (options.raw) {
          res[key] = val;
        res[key] = normalizeOutput([val], options);
      return res;

Flatten the sequence

  const mappedOutputs = {};
  outputs.forEach((map) => {
    Object.keys(map).forEach((key) => {
      const val = map[key];
      if (!mappedOutputs[key]) { mappedOutputs[key] = []; }

  const outputKeys = Object.keys(mappedOutputs);
  const withValue = outputKeys.filter((outport) => mappedOutputs[outport].length > 0);
  if (withValue.length === 0) {

No output

    return Promise.resolve(null);
  if ((withValue.length === 1) && (resultType === 'simple')) {

Single outport

    return Promise.resolve(normalizeOutput(mappedOutputs[withValue[0]], options));
  const result = {};
  Object.keys(mappedOutputs).forEach((port) => {
    const packets = mappedOutputs[port];
    result[port] = normalizeOutput(packets, options);
  return Promise.resolve(result);

 * @callback ResultCallback
 * @param {Error | null} err
 * @param {any} [output]
 * @returns {void}

 * @callback NetworkAsCallback
 * @param {any} input
 * @param {ResultCallback} callback
 * @returns void

 * @callback NetworkAsPromise
 * @param {any} input
 * @returns {Promise<any>}

 * @callback NetworkCallback
 * @param {Network} network
 * @returns void

 * @param {Graph | string} component - Graph or component to load
 * @param {Object} options
 * @param {string} [options.name] - Name for the wrapped network
 * @param {ComponentLoader} [options.loader] - Component loader instance to use, if any
 * @param {string} [options.baseDir] - Project base directory for component loading
 * @param {Object} [options.flowtrace] - Flowtrace instance to use for tracing this network run
 * @param {NetworkCallback} [options.networkCallback] - Access to Network instance
 * @param {boolean} [options.raw] - Whether the callback should operate on raw noflo.IP objects
 * @returns {NetworkAsPromise}
export function asPromise(component, options) {
  if (!component) {
    throw new Error('No component or graph provided');
  options = normalizeOptions(options, component);
  return (inputs) => prepareNetwork(component, options)
    .then((network) => {
      if (options.networkCallback) {
      const resultType = getType(inputs, network);
      const inputMap = prepareInputMap(inputs, resultType, network);
      return runNetwork(network, inputMap)
        .then((outputMap) => sendOutputMap(outputMap, resultType, options));

 * @param {AsCallbackComponent} component - Graph or component to load
 * @param {AsCallbackOptions} options
 * @returns {NetworkAsCallback}
export function asCallback(component, options) {
  const promised = asPromise(component, options);
  return (inputs, callback) => {
      .then((output) => {
        callback(null, output);
      }, callback);

This page contains documentation generated automatically from NoFlo's AsCallback.js file.