API Documentation

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InternalSocket API

NoFlo - Flow-Based Programming for JavaScript
(c) 2013-2017 Flowhub UG
(c) 2011-2012 Henri Bergius, Nemein
NoFlo may be freely distributed under the MIT license
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import IP from './IP';

function legacyToIp(event, payload) {

No need to wrap modern IP Objects

  if (IP.isIP(payload)) { return payload; }

Wrap legacy events into appropriate IP objects

  switch (event) {
    case 'begingroup':
      return new IP('openBracket', payload);
    case 'endgroup':
      return new IP('closeBracket');
    case 'data':
      return new IP('data', payload);
      return null;

function ipToLegacy(ip) {
  switch (ip.type) {
    case 'openBracket':
      return {
        event: 'begingroup',
        payload: ip.data,
    case 'data':
      return {
        event: 'data',
        payload: ip.data,
    case 'closeBracket':
      return {
        event: 'endgroup',
        payload: ip.data,
      return null;

Internal Sockets

The default communications mechanism between NoFlo processes is an internal socket, which is responsible for accepting information packets sent from processes’ outports, and emitting corresponding events so that the packets can be caught to the inport of the connected process.

export class InternalSocket extends EventEmitter {
  regularEmitEvent(event, data) {
    this.emit(event, data);

  debugEmitEvent(event, data) {
    try {
      this.emit(event, data);
    } catch (error) {
      if (error.id && error.metadata && error.error) {

Wrapped debuggable error coming from downstream, no need to wrap

        if (this.listeners('error').length === 0) { throw error.error; }
        this.emit('error', error);

      if (this.listeners('error').length === 0) { throw error; }

      this.emit('error', {
        id: this.to.process.id,
        metadata: this.metadata,

  constructor(metadata = {}) {
    this.metadata = metadata;
    this.brackets = [];
    this.connected = false;
    this.dataDelegate = null;
    this.debug = false;
    this.emitEvent = this.regularEmitEvent;
    this.from = null;
    this.to = null;

Socket connections

Sockets that are attached to the ports of processes may be either connected or disconnected. The semantical meaning of a connection is that the outport is in the process of sending data. Disconnecting means an end of transmission.

This can be used for example to signal the beginning and end of information packets resulting from the reading of a single file or a database query.

Example, disconnecting when a file has been completely read:

readBuffer: (fd, position, size, buffer) ->
  fs.read fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, position, (err, bytes, buffer) =>
    # Send data. The first send will also connect if not
    # already connected.
    @outPorts.out.send buffer.slice 0, bytes
    position += buffer.length

    # Disconnect when the file has been completely read
    return @outPorts.out.disconnect() if position >= size

    # Otherwise, call same method recursively
    @readBuffer fd, position, size, buffer
  connect() {
    if (this.connected) { return; }
    this.connected = true;
    this.emitEvent('connect', null);

  disconnect() {
    if (!this.connected) { return; }
    this.connected = false;
    this.emitEvent('disconnect', null);

  isConnected() { return this.connected; }

Sending information packets

The send method is used by a processe’s outport to send information packets. The actual packet contents are not defined by NoFlo, and may be any valid JavaScript data structure.

The packet contents however should be such that may be safely serialized or deserialized via JSON. This way the NoFlo networks can be constructed with more flexibility, as file buffers or message queues can be used as additional packet relay mechanisms.

  send(data) {
    if ((data === undefined) && (typeof this.dataDelegate === 'function')) {
      this.handleSocketEvent('data', this.dataDelegate());
    this.handleSocketEvent('data', data);

Sending information packets without open bracket

As connect event is considered as open bracket, it needs to be followed by a disconnect event or a closing bracket. In the new simplified sending semantics single IP objects can be sent without open/close brackets.

  post(packet, autoDisconnect = true) {
    let ip = packet;
    if ((ip === undefined) && (typeof this.dataDelegate === 'function')) {
      ip = this.dataDelegate();

Send legacy connect/disconnect if needed

    if (!this.isConnected() && (this.brackets.length === 0)) {
    this.handleSocketEvent('ip', ip, false);
    if (autoDisconnect && this.isConnected() && (this.brackets.length === 0)) {

Information Packet grouping

Processes sending data to sockets may also group the packets when necessary. This allows transmitting tree structures as a stream of packets.

For example, an object could be split into multiple packets where each property is identified by a separate grouping:

# Group by object ID
@outPorts.out.beginGroup object.id

for property, value of object
  @outPorts.out.beginGroup property
  @outPorts.out.send value


This would cause a tree structure to be sent to the receiving process as a stream of packets. So, an article object may be as packets like:

  • /<article id>/title/Lorem ipsum
  • /<article id>/author/Henri Bergius

Components are free to ignore groupings, but are recommended to pass received groupings onward if the data structures remain intact through the component’s processing.

  beginGroup(group) {
    this.handleSocketEvent('begingroup', group);

  endGroup() {

Socket data delegation

Sockets have the option to receive data from a delegate function should the send method receive undefined for data. This helps in the case of defaulting values.

  setDataDelegate(delegate) {
    if (typeof delegate !== 'function') {
      throw Error('A data delegate must be a function.');
    this.dataDelegate = delegate;

Socket debug mode

Sockets can catch exceptions happening in processes when data is sent to them. These errors can then be reported to the network for notification to the developer.

  setDebug(active) {
    this.debug = active;
    this.emitEvent = this.debug ? this.debugEmitEvent : this.regularEmitEvent;

Socket identifiers

Socket identifiers are mainly used for debugging purposes. Typical identifiers look like ReadFile:OUT -> Display:IN, but for sockets sending initial information packets to components may also loom like DATA -> ReadFile:SOURCE.

  getId() {
    const fromStr = (from) => `${from.process.id}() ${from.port.toUpperCase()}`;
    const toStr = (to) => `${to.port.toUpperCase()} ${to.process.id}()`;

    if (!this.from && !this.to) { return 'UNDEFINED'; }
    if (this.from && !this.to) { return `${fromStr(this.from)} -> ANON`; }
    if (!this.from) { return `DATA -> ${toStr(this.to)}`; }
    return `${fromStr(this.from)} -> ${toStr(this.to)}`;

  /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
  handleSocketEvent(event, payload, autoConnect = true) {
    const isIP = (event === 'ip') && IP.isIP(payload);
    const ip = isIP ? payload : legacyToIp(event, payload);
    if (!ip) { return; }

    if (!this.isConnected() && autoConnect && (this.brackets.length === 0)) {

Connect before sending


    if (event === 'begingroup') {
    if (isIP && (ip.type === 'openBracket')) {

    if (event === 'endgroup') {

Prevent closing already closed groups

      if (this.brackets.length === 0) { return; }

Add group name to bracket

      ip.data = this.brackets.pop();
      payload = ip.data;
    if (isIP && (payload.type === 'closeBracket')) {

Prevent closing already closed brackets

      if (this.brackets.length === 0) { return; }

Emit the IP Object

    this.emitEvent('ip', ip);

Emit the legacy event

    if (!ip || !ip.type) { return; }

    if (isIP) {
      const legacy = ipToLegacy(ip);
      ({ event, payload } = legacy);

    if (event === 'connect') { this.connected = true; }
    if (event === 'disconnect') { this.connected = false; }
    this.emitEvent(event, payload);

 * @param {Object} [metadata]
 * @returns {InternalSocket}
export function createSocket(metadata = {}) {
  return new InternalSocket(metadata);

This page contains documentation generated automatically from NoFlo's InternalSocket.js file.