API Documentation

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LegacyNetwork API

NoFlo - Flow-Based Programming for JavaScript
(c) 2013-2018 Flowhub UG
(c) 2011-2012 Henri Bergius, Nemein
NoFlo may be freely distributed under the MIT license
import { BaseNetwork } from './BaseNetwork';
import { deprecated } from './Platform';

/* eslint-disable

The NoFlo network coordinator

NoFlo networks consist of processes connected to each other via sockets attached from outports to inports.

The role of the network coordinator is to take a graph and instantiate all the necessary processes from the designated components, attach sockets between them, and handle the sending of Initial Information Packets.

export class LegacyNetwork extends BaseNetwork {

All NoFlo networks are instantiated with a graph. Upon instantiation they will load all the needed components, instantiate them, and set up the defined connections and IIPs.

The legacy network will also listen to graph changes and modify itself accordingly, including removing connections, adding new nodes, and sending new IIPs.

  constructor(graph, options = {}) {
    deprecated('subscribeGraph: true is deprecated. Live-edit network graphs via the network methods instead');
    super(graph, options);

   * @callback ErrorableCallback
   * @param {Error|null} [err]
   * @returns {void}
   * @param {ErrorableCallback} [callback]
   * @returns {Promise<this>}
  connect(callback) {
    const promise = super.connect()
      .then(() => {
        return this;
    if (callback) {
      deprecated('Providing a callback to Network.connect is deprecated, use Promises');
      promise.then(() => {
      }, callback);
    return promise;

A NoFlo graph may change after network initialization. For this, the legacy network subscribes to the change events from the graph.

In graph we talk about nodes and edges. Nodes correspond to NoFlo processes, and edges to connections between them.

  subscribeGraph() {
    const graphOps = [];
    let processing = false;
    const registerOp = (op, details) => {
    const processOps = (err) => {
      if (err) {
        if (this.listeners('process-error').length === 0) { throw err; }
        this.bufferedEmit('process-error', err);

      if (!graphOps.length) {
        processing = false;
      processing = true;
      const op = graphOps.shift();
      const cb = processOps;
      switch (op.op) {
        case 'renameNode':
          this.renameNode(op.details.from, op.details.to, cb);
          this[op.op](op.details, cb);

    this.graph.on('addNode', (node) => {
      registerOp('addNode', node);
      if (!processing) { processOps(); }
    this.graph.on('removeNode', (node) => {
      registerOp('removeNode', node);
      if (!processing) { processOps(); }
    this.graph.on('renameNode', (oldId, newId) => {
      registerOp('renameNode', {
        from: oldId,
        to: newId,
      if (!processing) { processOps(); }
    this.graph.on('addEdge', (edge) => {
      registerOp('addEdge', edge);
      if (!processing) { processOps(); }
    this.graph.on('removeEdge', (edge) => {
      registerOp('removeEdge', edge);
      if (!processing) { processOps(); }
    this.graph.on('addInitial', (iip) => {
      registerOp('addInitial', iip);
      if (!processing) { processOps(); }
    return this.graph.on('removeInitial', (iip) => {
      registerOp('removeInitial', iip);
      if (!processing) { processOps(); }

This page contains documentation generated automatically from NoFlo's LegacyNetwork.js file.